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A Bit About Me 

When I was 18, I climbed Mount Everest. Not metaphorically.

While I was hiking, I thought about quitting approximately 5,000 times. (And that’s a lowball estimate.) But despite the high winds, low altitude, mental and physical fatigue, and trail mix overdose, I kept going. I’m that person.

Coming on the main part, currently engaging myself as the programmer , so being a fresher in this well enthusiastic IT sector, I am learning in many ways to enhance and innovate my own part of learning.Just having an experience of about a year or so (last updated). Worked with a lot of guys from silicon valley and hands-on with many techies having an experience of more than 8 years. 
Competencies: C, C++, Java/Javascript, scala, Cloud computing, Hadoop, Spark, Machine Learning, Network protocols and much more on the way.
Databases : MySql , MongoDB , Neo4j , TitanDB

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